Thursday, December 25, 2008

I'm finally home!

Today I finally arrived! I am so happy, my new Mum and I have been having so much fun. Today was Christmas, and there was a big Christmas party, but the best part was the doll-sized tree Mum had set up for me and my sister. My sister's name is Stacey (she's not an American girl doll like me) and I think we are going to be good friends.

Tomorrow will be a busy day again, with more Christmas celebrations, but Mum says that she will try to take some more pictures of me.

I'm tired from all the excitement, so I think I will go curl up in my new flannel pajamas and go to bed.


  1. Hi Kit! My name is Haley! Hope you enjoy your new home!

    BTW, if you get a chance, check out my blog:

  2. Thanks for the comment, Haley! I am enjoying my new home very much.

    I enjoyed reading your blog very much- I added a link to it under Kit's friends, on the right-hand side.


  3. Great to see you home, Kit! I'm at my Aunt's for a while before I go home again. Be sure to stop by my blog!

    Glad your home safely,
